Binance Trading and Wallet Tracking Added

At Coinigy, we have been working hard to implement new features and updates into the platform as well as continuing development of V2 of the platform and the mobile apps. To wrap up this week's work, we are happy to announce the following updates:

  • We recently pushed a Binance trading update in order to have a more reliable integration. Soon, we will be pushing more updates to bring a truly all-inclusive trading experience with Binance to Coinigy.
  • $VET wallet address tracking has been added to Coinigy. When you add a VeChain wallet address, it will track your balances along with any $VTHO as well.
  • $BURST wallet address tracking has been added to Coinigy.

Please let us know what other features you would like to see, from exchange integrations, to new portfolio analysis tools, to real-time wallet tracking additions, and beyond. We appreciate the continued support!