Further Information Regarding Trading on Coinigy

As many users have come to find out, we made the decision to disable trading through API keys on Coinigy following the compromise of user email addresses earlier this week and the events that came after. After we received word that a user had been the victim of a successful phishing attack (using a password from another site’s public leak), we felt that we had to ensure the safety of the rest of our user accounts.

Before we re-enable trading, we intend to complete a full audit of our code while also implementing several new security features so that our team and user base can feel comfortable that nothing similar happens again. While we are not sure how long this may take, we expect to have the platform good to go by early next week. Note that while it is not necessary to re-add API keys, it is one extra precaution you can take to safeguard yourself. Also, as we’ve learned firsthand, please enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) on your account if you have not done so already.

After evaluating the extent of the downtime, we intend to compensate users who were impacted by the offline mode and subsequent disabled trading in some way. At the moment, we’re not sure what form this will take, but do know we are thinking about our users. More information to come.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you to everyone for your patience and support through this.

– The Coinigy Team