KuCoin API upgrade - Users will need to create a Version 2.0 API and add to Coinigy V2

KuCoin will be shutting down its version 1.0 API effective May 1, 2021 so all Coinigy users will need to create a KuCoin version 2.0 API key and add it to their Coinigy account. More information and KuCoin updates can be found here.
KuCoin balances and trading will be removed from Coinigy V1 once this goes into effect, but will be available on Coinigy V2. It is highly advised to add a V2 API key on Coinigy before this happens to avoid risk of missing any trades. If you already have a KuCoin API key attached to Coinigy v2, be sure to update your existing key rather than add a new one. This will ensure all the history on your current key moves to your new KuCoin API key.
- With a KuCoin API key and secret on hand, visit your V2 Keys page in your Coinigy account.
- Click the blue ‘+ ADD API KEY’ button and select ‘KuCoin’ in the list of exchanges.
- Enter an account nickname for the key — this is just how the key will appear in Coinigy and can be whatever you would like.
- Paste the API key, secret key and API Passphrase from KuCoin into their respective boxes.
- Click ‘Next’ to add the account to Coinigy. From there, you are all set to track your exchange balances!
- If you intend to trade through Coinigy as well, check the ‘Trading’ box for the new key on your accounts page after adding it. From there, you are all set to trade with the key through the Coinigy platform!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions, issues, or feedback with regards to attaching a KuCoin account. We’re always looking to integrate the exchanges our users want most, so don’t hesitate to let us know what others you would like to see added or further integrated.