Now Available for Trading On Coinigy

As of today, due to popular demand, Liqui has been added to Coinigy with full integration. This means that you can view all of their charts for analysis, attach an API account for balance tracking, and place orders and open positions with Liqui through our platform. To get started with adding an API account from Liqui, the process is pretty similar to most other exchange:
- In your Liqui account, visit your profile page.
- Scroll down down the to ‘Create key’ section to generate a new key. You’ll want to give the key a name and set any IP restrictions before creating the key. Click on “IP Whitelist Settings” at the bottom of the “Add Exchange” dialog for the most up-to-date list of Coinigy’s IPs.
- After creating, you will want to make sure the ‘info’, ‘trade’, and ‘finance’ permissions are checked for the newly generated key. Make sure to click the save button after turning them on.
- Grab your API key and secret for the key and visit your Coinigy accounts page. On this page, find and click the ‘Add New Exchange Account’ button.
- In the drop-down list of exchanges, find and select ‘LIQU –’. From there, choose any nickname you would like for the key as well as paste in the key/secret that Liqui presented on the profile page after generating the key.
- Hit the ‘Confirm’ button to add the API key. If you intend to trade with the key, you’ll want to make sure to check the ‘Trading’ box on the accounts page after you have added the key.
If you have any issues adding a Liqui key or have any other questions/suggestions for exchanges in general, don’t hesitate to let us know!