New Bittrex IP Whitelisting Now Live on Coinigy V2

As of September 1, 2021, at 12PM CDT, we added IP Whitelisting on Bittrex for Coinigy V2. Users who have our other IPs added to their V2 exchange API key whitelist will need to replace them with these new ones to the list to avoid running into any problems with Coinigy connecting with the account. The new IP's are as follows:
You will want to make sure you have only all V2 IPs or all V1 IPs. Users cannot have Bittrex IP Whitelisting on V1 and V2 at the same time because the IPs are per account on Bittrex.
Certain exchanges allow you to enter a list of IP addresses to prevent access from outside of Coinigy. If you wish to utilize this functionality, please use the list above of IP addresses. Note that not all exchanges support IP whitelisting for API keys, nor do you have to use this feature should your exchange support it (though we heavily encourage you do).
Please let us know if you have any difficulties whitelisting these IPs by emailing!