coinigy Remember Me option added You may now check “Remember Me” when you log in and you will never be logged out unless you actually sign out using the “Logout” button. Please be careful with this feature and do no use on publicly
coinigy Timestamps localized All times on the site should now be shown to you in your local timezone. If this is not the case, please contact Coinigy Support. All our servers are set to UTC time now and thus some daily data wil
coinigy Favorites list added New favorites system replaces the old customizable ticker system. Favorites can be managed using “star” icons on Markets page as well as under Settings -> Favorites.
coinigy Ticker updated Ticker now shows the top 25 markets in the cryptosphere ordered by BTC volume with live price updates. Scrollable using the mouse wheel.
coinigy Universal market names The market selector/navigation on the Markets page has been updated to list all market names universally across all exchanges. If you see one that you think needs to be changed, please contact Coinig
coinigy Zero Balances no longer listed Removed listing of 0 balances to improve performance and scalibility of the balance tracking system
coinigy Realtime UI Realtime UI added for Trade History, Asks and Bids. Many UI updates to the display of this data as well
coinigy New Wallet Address Options Wallet address balance tracking added for FuelCoin, CraigsCoin, Doge Dark, DarkPeer and TitCoin. More available upon request. Send an email to
coinigy Orders Page Update Added the old order form back onto the Orders page and updated it to work with Stop Limit orders
coinigy Candlestick Update Modified the algorithm used to build OHLC candlestick data to better show gaps between the open of a period and the previous period’s close
coinigy On chart orders and alerts You can now place trades and set alerts from directly on the Trading View charts
coinigy & Balance Tracking API keys are not enabled for balance tracking. You may choose between or It is strongly encouraged that you update your API key to their new version, although it is
coinigy Bitfinex Overdrive! Bitfinex API users will now benefit from a low-traffic, private API server provided to Coinigy by Bitfinex. This should improve trading performance significantly, especially in times of high volume o
coinigy Daily Balance Email Did you know you can enable a daily email digest of all your current account balances? Just head over to Settings -> Notifications to enable it.
coinigy Stop Orders Added Stop Limit orders are now available. When placing a trade, select “Stop (Limit)” from the Price Type select list next to the selected API account (Just to the left of the refresh button).
coinigy Security Enhancement All logins and associated IP addresses are now logged and viewable in the “Activity Log”
coinigy Adjustable Balance History The Balance Charts page now allows you to adjust the date range of the history you see and also allows you to export your balance history to a .CSV
coinigy Ticker Improved The ticker has been redone to offer much better performance and reduced CPU usage. Recent news articles now appear in the ticker automatically.
coinigy Update/Change API Keys You can now update an API Key for an exchange account instead of removing and readding the account. This will allow you to retain all your order and balance history for that account when changing key
coinigy Hide Dust Balances You can now mark “dust” balances on the balances page (balances too small to be transferred out of exchange accounts). This will then exclude these balances in portfolio values and other balance calc