coinigy Exmo Live Charting & Orderbooks Now Available Live Data, Charting and Orderbooks are now available on Coinigy- Refresh your browser to enable and welcome them to the platform!
coinigy Hit CTRL F5 if youre having charting issues We recently upgraded the charting library and a few users are reporting issues loading charts today. A quick fix for this is to do a hard refresh (CTRL F5 on PC, CMD R on Mac) to clear your cache.
coinigy Charting Library Upgrade and New Indicators Charting library has been updated- Please CTRL F5 to do a hard refresh. Fixes for Saving/Loading charts, and new indicators: Almost Zero Lag EMA, On Balance Volume Oscillator, SuperTrend BF, Exponenti
coinigy 1ExTrade Charting and Orderbooks are now live 1Ex.Trade ( Live Charting, Orderbooks and Market Data are now live on Coinigy! 1EX.Trade is a simple and effective trading platform with many fiat and crypto markets. Check it out!
coinigy Korbit (KBIT) Korean Exchange Now Available Coinigy welcomes Korbit Korean Bitcoin Exchange to the platform. BTC/KRW pair now available for all currency conversions, and Live Charting & Orderbooks for Korbit are available on the platform. E
coinigy Bitfinex (BITF) Real-Time Upgrade Our Bitfinex data collection process has been upgraded to real-time websockets. Users should notice a considerable improvement in latency and speed!
coinigy About This Morning's Maintenance Period Thank you for your patience during this morning’s short maintenance period. A system process was detected to have spun out of control and had caused slave replication to become severely lagged. After
coinigy Foxbit (FOXB) Charting and Orderbooks Live On Coinigy Foxbit (FOXB) Live charting and orderbooks are now available on!
coinigy Cryptopia (CPIA) Charting now available Cryptopia (CPIA) Charting and data collection are now active on
coinigy Charting feed update, hit CTRLF5 The charting data feed has been upgraded! All users should hit ctrl f5 or clear your cache on all browser tabs or you may get unexpected behavior.
coinigy 2H and 2W Timeframes added The 2H and 2W timeframes have been added to the charts. The interval dialog box was also added back on, although you can no longer set a custom timeframe.
coinigy ArbMatrix Updated ArbMatrix has been updated with improved performance, several bug fixes and a new feature, “Inverse Spread”. Now you can view the cross-correlation of two exchanges based on the Ask vs Bid in addition
coinigy Improved Coinigy Performance We’ve made significant strides over the past few days in terms of optimizing bandwidth usage and DOM manipulation in the browser. Coinigy is now running MUCH leaner and uses much less data than before
coinigy Charting Library Upgrades & More, Click Here New deployment, new features! Timeframes toolbar: Quickly view time segments by day, month, and year using the new toolbar located on the lower left footer of the chart. Live clock: Chart now shows
coinigy is now available on Coinigy Yobit Charts, Orderbooks, and Live Data are now available on
coinigy Balances page has been updated with new layout and features The balances page has been updated with a new layout, adjustable quote currency, and more accurate indexed quote rates
coinigy VirWox Virtual Currency Exchange is now available on Coinigy VirWox Virtual Currency Exchange (VWOX) Charting, Trade History and Orderbooks are now available on
coinigy is now available on Coinigy (MATE) Charting, Trade History and Orderbooks are now available on
coinigy Bitcoin Exchange Thailand is now available on Coinigy Bitcoin Exchange Thailand (BXTH) Charting, Trade History and Orderbooks are now available on
coinigy Bitcoin Indonesia (BIND) is now available on Coinigy Bitcoin Indonesia (BIND) Charting, Trade History and Orderbooks are now available on
coinigy Gatecoin Exchange is now available on Coinigy Gatecoin Charting and Orderbooks are now available on Coinigy. Balance tracking and trading to follow.
coinigy The Rock Trading Co Is Now Available The Rock Trading Co. LTD Charting and Orderbooks are now available on Coinigy. Balance tracking and trading to follow.
coinigy ItBit Data Collection Active ItBit Charting and Orderbooks are now available on Coinigy. Balance tracking and trading to follow.
coinigy Desktop Alerts Active Price alerts will now be fired as a Desktop alert, if Coinigy is in an inactive tab. You may need to give Coinigy permission for this to function properly. Feedback is appreciated!
coinigy Kraken Spot Trading Now Available Kraken Spot trading is now available on Coinigy. Connect your accounts, enable trading, and have at her! We’re hard at work on supporting margin trading on Kraken and other exchanges, stay tuned!